Original Carol by George F. Handel,
Original Lyrics by Isaac Watts
Words and Music Adapted and Arranged/Composed
by Lois J. Henrickson (Lytingale)
Joy! Joy! Joy to the world.
Joy! Joy! Joy to the world.
Joy to the world, the Christ is born!
Joy! Joy to the world.
Let earth receive the love!
Let ev’ry heart prepare him room
And heav’n and nature sing,
And heav’n and nature sing,
And heav’n and heaven and nature sing.
Joy! Joy! Joy to the world.
Joy! Joy! Joy to the world.
Love rules the world with Truth and Grace!
Joy, Joy to the world.
Let all the nations prove
The glories of God’s righteousness,
And wonders of his love,
And wonders of his love,
And wonders, wonders of his Love.
Silent night,
Holy night.
All is calm
All is bright.
Mary’s little baby,
Bringing the peace and joy to earth.
Mary’s little baby,
Bringing the love down from heaven.
Mary’s little baby,
Sweet, holy baby.
Mary’s little baby,
Child of God’s own joy!
Joy to the world.
Joy! Joy! Joy to the world.
Joy to the world. Love will reign
Let ev’ryone sing with Joy!
Joy! Joy to the world.
Joy! Joy! Joy! to the world.
Let fields and rivers,
Rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy.
Repeat, repeat the sound of joy,
Let heaven and nature sing,
Let earth receive her king.
The wonders of the love and joy
Sing joy, sing joy, sing joy!
© 2012 Lois J. Henrickson (Lytingale) www.lytingale.net