Triumphant EASTER Song
By Ishtar
This selection is part of a 40-minute Christmas Cantata, "A Child Shall Lead Them." The cantata is written for SATB chorus, Soprano, Alto and Tenor soloists, two instrumental obbligatos, piano, percussion and two narrators. 5 of the 13 movements are also appropriate for Easter. "The Stone that Was Rejected" is accompanied by piano. To perform this movement alone, instrumentalists and narrators are not needed.
Musical Style : Anthem
Performance Medium of Sheet Music : Solo, or SATB with tqwo soloists, One solo part is for Soprano and the other can be sung by Alto or Tenor. The vocal range in the solo version is almost two octaves, from G up to F.
Subjects : Afterlife,
Seasonal Use : Easter (Even though "The Stone That Was Rejected" is a movement from a Christmas cantata, when performed by itself it is an Easter selection.)
Recording not available